The Intelix AVO-CLIP-F allows Intelix AvoCat Series and Classic Series baluns to be mounted on a 19" rack tray, standard 35 mm DIN rail, or any other screw-mountable surface. Each AVO-CLIP-F contains a universal mounting bracket, DIN rail converter clip, two mounting screws, and four fasteners. Features: *DIGI-USB-F, DVI-F, HDMI-F, PS2-F, VGA-HR-F, VGA-UHR-F, VGA-SR-F, DIGI-DVIT2R-F, DIGI-DVIT4R-F and DIGI-HDMI-F are sold in pairs. One AVO-CLIP-F is required for the send unit and one AVO-CLIP-F...