This Dedolight Dedocool Standard Lighting Outfit is a Two Light Kit with a Total of 500 watts Output. This Kit Includes a Multi-Channel Dimmable Power Supply for Complete Control over the Output of the Heads. The Dedolight Dedocool Standard 2-Light Kit is designed specifically to meet the special requirements of high speed filmmaking and videography.
COOLH dedocool Tungsten Light Head
The first light designed expressly to meet the special requirements of
ultra high speed film making and videography. The dedocool utilizes a low wattage, low voltage lamp working in combination with a unique optical system and a special reflector which concentrates an intense amount of light over a highly concentrated area. Two carefully matched heat re-flecting filters and transmitting mirror, route the heat through two forced air ventilators and out the back of the head. Over short periods of time, heating of the subject is negligible. Even after prolonged shooting sessions, ambient close range temperature could best be described as "warm."
Transformer/Control Unit
This Power Supply/Control Unit can simultaneously power two dedocool
tungsten light heads. Its AC power input can be set for every AC
power in the world from 110 V to 240 V in six steps.
Each light (output) can be individually and independently switched in
four distinct steps, each increasing color temperature and output:
1. Set up position - approx. 3000 K - 21 V
2. Operating position - approx. 3200 K - 24 V
3. Boost position - approx. 3300 K - 26 V
The COOLT3 incorporates an input voltage indicator, enabling the
user to determine correct input voltage at a glance and to control color
temperature precisely.