The ES-216 is an in-line audio level indicator which provides a purely digital representation of an audio signal's loudness. The unit features ten LED's (six Green, one Yellow and three Red) that display levels of -20, -10, -7, -5, -3, -1, 0, +1, +2, and +3 db. One LED is lit at a time and simulates the "flying wand" effect of an analog meter. Units are shipped in Peak mode unless otherwise specified (VU response may be specified optionally). The plastic bezel is designed for panel / console mounting. Four spring fingers hold the unit in the cutout opening. Connections are made via four spade lugs on the PC board. The unit measures 3"W x 1.4"H x 1.5"D. It can be console or panel mounted and is designed to fit into the same opening as many of the commonly used mechanical meters. The rack mount options allow the unit(s) to be mounted one, two, three or four per panel (Part#'s ES 216P, ES 216P2, ES 216P3 or ES 216P4