RTS SoundMate personal listening systems help overcome background noise and poor building acoustics that can make listening difficult for the hearing impaired listener. A Telex base station, portable beltpack transmitter, your choice of receivers, and a wide assortment of accessories allow you to meet the needs of individuals who require hearing assistance. These listening systems are even compatible with a variety of hearing instrument styles for hearing aid users. Let Telex, the acknowledged leader in personal assistive listening products, help you select the system that's right for any listening environment.
The SR-400 17 channel receiver is the perfect solution to multiple transmitter hearing assistance systems. The SR-400 features an advanced digital PLL synthesizer to tune all 17 narrow-band frequencies offered in the 72-76 MHz band and a backlit LCD display. The receiver also includes a special high frequency contour filter and boost switch to increase the intelligibility of the audio signal, and E.D.R. for increased dynamic range. Additional features include a battery saving automatic power shutoff when the earphone is unplugged.