Doug Fleenor Design 1212-DIN-JBOX-PS is a 1 x 12, DIN Mount, DMX/RDM Isolated Splitter in a standard Junction Box with a Power Supply (9-24 VDC, 10W). The 1212-DIN is a bi-directional DMX512/RDM isolated splitter with a fully isolated input. The twelve outputs are separately driven, but are not isolated from one another. This splitter is installed in a standard junction box with a PSDIN-30W-24V power supply included. LED indicators are provided for power (red), and signal present (green).
Please Note: Cabling used for DMX512 signals to and from the 1212 must be specified for DMX512 usage. Examples include Belden 9829 and Belden 9729 or their equal. (cable sold separately)