The ESE ES-911E/GPS/NTP/ANT/K is a GPS (Global Positioning System) Master Clock and Time Code Generator. ANT version - GPS Antenna: High Performance GPS Antenna for harsh RF Environments and K version - Provides a 10 MHz output and a 1 KHz output.. The unit is specifically designed to meet the NENA (National Emergency Number Association) Standard NENA-04-002 for a PSAP (Public Safety Answering Point) Master Clock and is capable of "Time Synchronizing" all components of a PSAP.
The unit displays six digits of time, legally traceable to UTC (Universal Coordinated Time) as received via the internal 12-channel GPS receiver. Simultaneously, the ES-911E/GPS/NTP generates several types of time code - IRIG-B, IRIG-E, ESE, RS232C (both "Broadcast" and "Query" ports provided) and a 1PPS signal. These outputs allow the ES-911E/GPS/NTP to synchronize and easily interface with equipment such as CAD, ANI / ALI Controllers, Voice Recorders and Radio Consoles that meet NENA Standards. The ES-911E/GPS/NTP can also synchronize computers and other digital / analog clock systems. The unit also features an Ethernet NTP port for network time synchronization.
Included with the ES-911E/GPS/NTP is an indoor / outdoor antenna that is connected to the unit via the provided 16' cable. If additional cable is required, "low-loss" cable, an "in-line" amplifier (ES-820 or ES-820N for low-loss cable) or, for extra long cable runs where more than one in-line amplifier is used, an "Antenna Power Supply" (ES-AB1) may be required. Consult ESE directly for more information.
Software is also supplied with the ES-911E/GPS/NTP permitting the user to continuously update a computer's DOS or Windows clock to the GPS time available on the "Broadcast" RS-232C output.
Option "K" Provides a 10 MHz output and a 1 KHz output.
Option "ANT" Provides a GPS Antenna: High Performance GPS Antenna for harsh RF Environments.