The secret weapon mic of the VO (Voice-Over) Industry!
The venerable MKH 416 is a compact pressure-gradient microphone with short interference tube, highly immune to humidity due to its RF condenser design. Featuring high directivity, low self noise, high consonant articulation and feedback rejection, the MKH 416 can handle difficult exterior filming and reporting conditions without any difficulty. Supercardioid/lobe pattern, matte black finish, supplied with the MZW415 windscreen.
Did You Know... Many top record producers, when recording vocals, will use a dynamic mic for up close vocals and a heavily compressed shotgun mic about five feet away. It's true! The dynamic mic not only captures part of the final sound, but is also useful for giving the artist something to focus on, keeping a fairly consistent position relative to the shotgun mic. Have a shotgun mic on hand for your next vocal session - it could be the goldmine you've been seeking!