Thor Broadcast Transmodulation systems are a 4 RF input modulator and program stream multiplexer with CAM support via 4 CI slots. They are available for QAM (DVB-C), Satellite (DVB-S/S2), and terrestrial (ATSC)(DVB-T) radio frequency RF signal sources. RF signal types can easily be interchanged by removing the modules(you can not upload firmware to change the modulation functionality, this is hardware based). Full configuration and management is available on the front panel LCD and keypad, and remote access and monitoring is available on a dedicated NMS network port for control through a web browser. Program streams available as well as the IP and ASI inputs can be multiplexed and remapped in any order. Independent output pipes for both ASI and IP are fully configurable. Industry standard support for Conditional Access is provided by 4 Common Interface (CI) slots. These slots support CAM modules such as CableCard or any other system using the PCMCIA interface. This platform is ideal for program aggregation and multiplexing in cable TV headends and corporate MATV systems.