Lightweight Tactical Fiber Snake Reels for Extremely Rugged Applications!
Ruggedized multichannel fiber optic cables designed for field audio production in outside broadcast, rental houses and more. Highly flexible tight-buffered tactical cables with internal aramid strength members for crush resistance in high traffic areas if handled properly and a polyurethane outer sheath designed to withstand crushing by anything and everything including military tanks. All assemblies multi-stage machine polished and tested for <-55dB RL with test results for each channel supplied with each cable. Built in-house at our state-of-the-art fiber shop that has received the stamp of approval from OCC, Neutrik, LEMO, Canare, Gepco and more!
Our Tactical Fiber Snake Reels INCLUDE a broadcast fiber optic cable reel with connector protection cavity and hinged latching door. Each reel has been carefully selected to ensure proper support and critical bend radius required by fiber optic cables.Custom Lengths & Configurations Always Available!