The iBoot-PDU series is designed to provide power distribution and remote power control. Each iBoot-PDU allows four or eight outlets to be independently switched on and off for reboot, energy management and security. The iBoot-PDU has many features to make the management of power distribution simple and cost effective: Simplify network wiring and reduce home runs to the router. This two port passive switch makes it easy to add remote power management to existing installations. Multiple users can be assigned administrator or user only rights, plus access to specific outlets and groups. Users only see the outlets and groups they are assigned to.Additional iBoot-PDUs can be managed from a single unit. One master iBoot-PDU provides the communication to the users and continuously receives status information from the rest of the iBoot-PDUs in the cluster. Groups can be created across multiple PDUs and controlled simultaneously. Set automatic power actions based on your schedule. Restart systems every day to reduce memory bloat. Power up resources only when needed for energy management, lifecycle extension or security.
Setup and Control functions can be linked to any SNMP v2c compatible manager. The iBoot-PDU MIB is downloadable from the website. Reports to syslog server.Simple web browser interface is easy to use and provides complete status information and control of the outlets, and groups. The add-on landline modem supports data calls from terminal devices using the CLI, and direct dial from a tone telephone for simple on/off control when more sophisticated means are not available. Voice modem also allows phone dial tone control with voice response (Basic functions only)