The AIDA Imaging HD-NDI-VF has found itself a rival, and that's the HD-NDI-TF! Formulated with the same NDI® HX formula that you love, the HD-NDI-TF brings forth a IP54 rated Telephoto lens, used to capture safely from afar. Uniquely hand-crafted from AIDA's factory, you can expect to cover distances up to 60-80ft with our 5m-50mm telephoto lens with ease!
The HD-NDI-TF will surpass all your expectations being a versatile POV camera at distance - covering your workflow no matter the distance!
Always Packed!
The HD-NDI-TF is always prepared with its NDI® HX key built in!
Loaded out with IP54 Gear
The camera's rated IP54 rating and silicon lens protectant keeps the camera dust and moisture free! Just dont submerge this guy.. he wouldn't make it!
NDI HX never looked better
The HD-NDI-TF uses a FULL-HD hands crafted 5MP lens, ensuring perfectly crisp 1080p video over NDI® and IP!
Multitasker of the Century
Whether you need NDI® HX, SRT, RTSP, RTMP, or all at the same time, this little guy does it all!
AIDA's new and improved hands-crafted lens formula allows you to adjust the focus / tele with a hex wrench, making it hold the focus better than without a lock!
No Translation Required
Gotta admit - VISCA over IP really simplifies the use of serial communication. Enjoy that and NDI® control on the fly!
AIDA Strong
The HD-NDI-TF is no stranger to our exceptional build quality. Protected by the hardened aluminum casing, WP resistant silicon stubs - the HD-NDI-TF is built to last!
Yes, of course PoE+!
Theres no escaping PoE+! So enjoy a free adapter with every purchase to make this non-native PoE+ camera, PoE+ capable!
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