This version of the CopperHead Pro Camera Mount Transceiver features Neutrik OpticalCon connectors. ?The CopperHead Pro is specifically designed for high-definition (HD) image magnification (I-MAG) applications in houses of worship, music venues, and corporate events. The CopperHead Pro offers a versatile and affordable solution that leverages the light weight, high reliability, and superior quality of fiber cable for projecting high-quality HD images.
Until now, churches and many other types of A/V venues have not been able to take advantage of camera-mounted fiber optic solutions for I-MAG, because the cost has been prohibitive. At the same time, audience expectations for high-quality projected video have increased, along with the quality of HD projectors and displays. The CopperHead Pro directly addresses these requirements with a solution that is specifically tailored to the I-MAG market, at a price that is affordable for any production team.
The compact CopperHead Pro camera unit sandwiches instantly between any HD/SDI video camera and an Anton-Bauer battery, transporting uncompressed HD video signals from the camera to the control room via tactical fiber. The system provides complete camera control as well as full bi-directional intercom and tally – all of the signals the producer and crew need for the highest-quality image magnification in venues ranging from the smallest church to the largest arena or stadium.
Optional CHCRC cables are available to link the Copper Head Pro Camera unit for Camera Remote Control & Tally input and output.
Base Stations are also avaialbe with ST Fiber, SMPTE 304M Hybrid Fiber and MX Expanded Beam connectors. Please call for a quick quote.