The Autoscript EPIC-IP19XL E.P.I.C. integrated prompting system has become the number one broadcast on-camera monitor in the world because of its unique design which combines a high-bright prompting screen with an integrated talent monitor. Now, as part of the Intelligent Prompting system development, E.P.I.C. has been enhanced to offer the ultimate connectivity and flexibility.
The new EPIC-IP integrated prompting system uses the EVO-IP prompt monitor with its sleek design and in-built connectivity. The monitor also includes dual HD-SDI and Composite inputs for on-air input and use with an external scroll box. The E.P.I.C. Talent Monitor (ETM) is detachable, offering the flexibility to upgrade from an EVO-IP at any point.
The EPIC-IP 19XL integrates the 19" EVO-IP prompt monitor with a 24" ETM, ideal for when a large feedback screen is required. The talent monitor is mounted using friction hinges to allow easy readjustment of viewing angle, and folds under the prompt monitor when not required. The drive electronics remain integrated into the main prompt monitor, reducing the talent monitor depth, weight and power consumption.
As an on-camera system, the EPIC-IP comes with Autoscript's new Intelligent Prompting mounting and carbon fiber hood.The complete monitor, hood and mounting assembly has been carefully calculated to minimize the number of parts, vastly improve setup time and reduce the lens opening at the back of the hood. The lens is sealed using a flexible ring, giving greatly improved access for direct control via hand grip, or for connection of pan bar z/f control.