20-Slot Frame Rear I/O Module (Standard Width) (2) 3G/HD/SD-SDI/ASI Input BNC, (8) 3G/HD/SD-SDI/ASI Output BNCs.
Please Note: Rear I/O Module output designations here correlate to output numbers for four DA quadrants as shown in the card block diagram (for example, SDI OUT 3 in diagrams above is tied to (driven from) DA quadrant "SDI Out (1-4)" in the block diagram; SDI OUT 5 in diagrams below is tied to (driven from) DA quadrant "SDI Out (5-8)" in the block diagram). As such, SDI outputs within a quadrant group can only be sourced from a particular input at one time (for example, if the card is set to feed SDI IN A to quadrant SDI Out (1-4), the rear module outputs 1 thru 4 will all output SDI IN A). Dissimilar inputs cannot be routed within a quadrant group (for example, SDI OUT 1 sourced from SDI IN A and SDI OUT 2 sourced from SDI IN B).