The JBL C65P/T is a Compact Full-Range Pendant Speaker designed to bring outstanding coverage and clarity to the whole room. The JBL-C65P-T incorporates JBL's RBI Radiation Boundary Integration technology and is engineered to handle rooms with difficult acoustics. The C65P/T is perfectly suited for rooms and venues with open architecture and high ceilings. Superior voice and music reproduction are assured from convention and exhibit spaces to atriums, restaurants and retail. Easy to install hanging hardware with redundant suspension cables and UL listed height hangers are included.
The JBL C65P/T is stylish in design and suitable for a wide variety of applications and decors. JBL's proprietary conical RBI Radiation Boundary Integrator is adapted from the groundbreaking VERTEC Series of line array loudspeakers. This unique JBL patent-pending innovation combines a large diameter high-frequency waveguide with low-frequency projection apertures that work in tandem to provide a seamless integration of coverage between the two coaxially-mounted drivers. The result is extremely even pattern control and coverage, where all listeners hear a consistent flat, frequency response. This often allows the use of fewer speakers.