The L E N ground isolators use broadband high-pass filters to provide complete galvanic isolation of DC currents between two pieces of equipment, whilst permitting the full bandwidth of the SDI signal to pass, thus avoiding problems of signal distortion and operator shocks caused by a voltage difference. This method out-performs broadband transformers for SDI signals. Both the signal and ground paths between equipment are isolated, there is no distortion of the signal. They are suitable for ASI format.
There are three ranges with different housings; one range has encapsulated enclosures which may be rack-mounted with an accessory panel, one has in-line 'barrels', with or without a mounting flange, the third offers designs with higher breakdown voltage for medical grade applications, and are available both constructed in ABS boxes with mounting flanges and as 'barrel' versions, with or without a mounting flange.
The L4KGI02 is for use with full 12G/4K UHD SDI video and all lower standards including 6G, 3G, HD and SD SDI. The L3GGI02 may be used with 3G, HD or SD SDI signals while the LHDGI02 may be used with HD or SD SDI.. They are built in cylindrical plastic (for isolation) enclosures, fitted with a BNC connector at each end An industry-standard size mounting flange is fitted at one end.