The RTS OMNEO MAIN STATION (OMS) Analog Partyline with 5-Pin Female headset connector is the core component of the RTS Digital Partyline intercom system. It delivers 4 ports of analog 2-Wire, 2 program inputs, 1 stage announce, 4 GPI/ 4 Relays and 4 conferences. This communications multi-tool is designed to bridge all standards and formats interconnecting both wired/wireless and IP/digital/analog devices. Full TCP/IP connectivity is supported for a wide range of customers including theaters, houses of worship, broadcast, AV rental, industrial facilities and entertainment/event venues.
Whereas current systems on the market offer analog-only, digital-only, proprietary or non-Dante-compatible products, OMS encapsulates a hybrid IP/digital/analog partyline intercom main station available in five licensed configurations to suit the user’s budget and application requirements: Advanced, Intermediate and Basic digital (each with OMNEO); Analog Plus and Analog (main station options for analog-only partyline systems).
Incorporating Dante (audio transport), AES70 (device control) and more, OMNEO allows OMS to interconnect with RTS Digital Matrix products (including ADAM, ADAM-M, ODIN, KP series keypanels and ROAMEO DECT wireless) and forthcoming new members of the RTS Digital Partyline family. OMS can therefore provide a path from legacy equipment to the latest technology, allowing users to migrate to the flexibility of an IP infrastructure without the complexity of a matrix system - all while protecting the investment value of their existing analog partyline hardware.
Analog partyline users can enter the world of IP communications while extending the working life of their legacy equipment. Software upgrades allow for increased capacity and functionality as needs evolve. Users requiring both analog and digital can upgrade to OMS Intermediate or OMS Advanced.