The TC Electronic CLARITY M now with Software Version 2.0, provides a comprehensive set of precision tools essential to the success of any audio producer. Ideally suited to stereo and 5.1 mixing, mastering and post-production, CLARITY M's 7" high-resolution LCD display provides a wealth of monitoring information at-a-glance via a single screen. Metering options include; the legendary LM6 Loudness Radar Meter; a state-of-the-art true peak meter; downmix compliance; stereo/surround correlation meters; and a RTA (Real Time Analyzer).
Source inputs come in a vast array of options including: USB for hassle-free VST*, Audio Units* and AAX* plug-in metering; 6 channels of unbalanced AES3 digital audio on 75 Ohm BNC connectors for broadcast-grade 5.1 metering; and stereo optical for maximum flexibility. CLARITY M is fully compliant with all major broadcast standards including ITU BS.1770-4, ATSC A/85, EBU R128, TR-B32 and OP-59, and is recommended for all studio environments.
Merging Hardware with Plug-ins
While CLARITY M is an exceptional hardware stand-alone desktop meter, it also interacts seamlessly with your DAW work flow via plug-in metering - which is available for Pro Tools, Apple Logic Pro, Nuendo, and all other major VST*, AU* or AAX* compatible DAWs. CLARITY M is quite simply the ideal integration of two worlds.
Merging Hardware with Plug-ins
While CLARITY M is an exceptional hardware stand-alone desktop meter, it also interacts seamlessly with your DAW workfl ow via plug-in metering - which is available for Pro Tools, Apple Logic Pro, Nuendo, and all other major VST*, AU* or AAX* compatible DAWs. CLARITY M is quite simply the ideal integration of two worlds.
What's new in 2.0
New vector scope
By tracing the left and right audio waveforms into a cloud-like shape, the high precision vector scope coming to Clarity M will help you identify important stereo balance and phase issues in your mix.
The vector scope will automatically scale to the input levels, and you can of course customize the scope color any way you like.
Introducing the Balance-O-Meter
The Balance-O-Meter is an innovative new meter type that allows you to quickly check the Left-Right and Mid-Side balances of your mix.
Offline Plug-in Mode
Get instant overview of your song by measuring it faster-than-realtime from within your VST, AU or AAX compatible DAW.
New PPM meter scales
Highly configurable, full height PPM meter for all sorts of broadcast and music production purposes. The new scales in Clarity M 2.0 cover a multitude of integration and return times, different Permitted Maximum and Alignment Levels as well as various methods for handling transients in the signal.