The DAP (Digital/Analog Processor) accepts one input in 8VSB (digital off-air) or QAM (digital cable) format, and delivers one output in modulated analog RF format. The DAP PLUS is the same as DAP, but includes the AFD broadcast package. AFD (Active Format Description) is a standard set of codes embedded in the video stream and used by digital television broadcasters to optimally display a 16:9 video format on an analog television set designed for 4:3 video format. Both DAP and DAP PLUS can be equipped with an optional RNC module (Remote Network Card) for remote monitoring and control operations. One RNC module can monitor and control up to sixty-four DAP/DAP PLUS units installed in a headend. Additionally, DAP PLUS can be equipped with an optional ASI module (Asynchronous Serial Interface) that delivers two identical ASI stream outputs, allowing a seamless migration to an all-digital platform.