The Gold Line DSP30 is a portable 30-channel digital 1/3 octave analyzer which uses ANSI class-0 and ANSI class 1 triple tuned style. The DSP-30's filters maintain 1/4dB accuracy over an 85dB range and it comes with a Windows interface and 60 non-volatile memories as well as a serial port plus USB adapter.
The Gold Line DSP analyer's have digital features that greatly increase the usefulness and cost effectiveness of audio measurements. These analyzers feature a SOUND WINDOW that is large enough to capture the dynamic response of a room (85dB) and are capable of detailed measurements with great accuracy.
The system makes use of software-controlled filters allowing measurements over a wider dynamic range without interference from adjacent frequencies. The user is also able to change the character of the filters from standard ANSI CLASS III triple tuned filters to filters with sharper skirts (better than CLASS III). These sharper filters allow the user to measure over a larger dynamic range without interference from adjoining frequencies.