The ergonomically designed Bolin KBD-1010-RNV controller has a direct-access panel interface with full preset store and recall for easy-to-find camera functions, dedicated knobs for PTZ variable speed control and for fine control with auto/manual toggle, illuminated push buttons for camera selection and a three-axis joystick for smooth precise camera movements.
Combining traditional serial control and IP network control, KBD-1010 PTZ camera controller comes equipped with many precision controls for the most demanding camera operation environments. It is an ideal partner for multi-PTZ-camera producer, creating a baseband video and a complete IP streaming solution for a wide range of content production applications, remote studio, education, state-of-the-art broadcast system, video conferencing, house of worship, etc.
Quick Access Control
Delicate knobs for Quick Access features include the control of Exposure, Shutter Speed, Iris, Compensation, White Balance, Focus, PT Speed, Zoom Speed.
Image Parameter Control
Via Visca protocol, either serial Visca or Visca Over IP, the KBD-1010 has image color and exposure related settings - including black levels, white balance, auto/manual exposure level, iris, gain and shutter speed - can be adjusted directly without using the camera menus. Quick, Simple, Direct IP PTZ Camera Assignment and Use IP control, without using PC, automatically search available IP cameras in the network. Assign IP addresses and IP camera registration easily.
Selectable ASSIGN Items
ASSIGN item is selectable, additional functions can be assigned to ASSIGN keys to have One-Key quick action of the camera's Flicker, Status Display, AE level, SRZ, Tele Convert mode, Trace Memory, ND filter, Picture Profile settings, Rain wiper On/Off, Camera Power etc. Functionalities can be assigned. Available function depends on camera specification.