Doug Fleenor Design PRE8-D Preset 8 is a lighting control station that stores eight preset looks. Each look, or scene, has an associated slider that adjusts the intensity of that look. The looks are recorded into Preset 8 by capturing the output of any DMX512 console. The user or installer creates a look using their DMX512 console of choice, then presses the recessed record button on Preset 8, followed by moving the slider to be recorded. Often, presets are recorded only once, at the time of installation. Presets may, however, be re-recorded up to 100,000 times.
Preset 8 systems may consist of single or multiple stations. Systems with multiple stations utilize a Main/Remote concept; looks are recorded into the main station but the remote station(s) can adjust the intensity of these looks. Control of each preset is determined by whichever slider was moved most recently. For example: if slider 1 was moved on one station, it would have control until slider 1 was moved on a different station. To prevent sudden level changes, a Match-and-Grab technique is used: a slider does not take over control until its level matches the current level.
Preset 8 can operate alone or in conjunction with another console. When operated with another console, Preset 8 can either "back-off" when the other console is on line, or merge its levels with those of the other console using a "highest-takes-precedence" approach. Back-off or merge mode is jumper selected at time of installation.